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Lego Affiliate Program: What You Need to Know – Review

lego affiliate program

History of Lego

Lego, a Danish toy company founded by Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1934, started with wooden toys. After World War II, the company purchased an injection molding machine and created plastic interlocking bricks in 1949. Lego has since expanded with new molds, colors, and products such as board games, retail stores, and theme parks. Despite its growth, the company remains privately held.Lego, a Danish toy company founded by Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1934, started with wooden toys. After World War II, the company purchased an injection molding machine and created plastic interlocking bricks in 1949. Lego has since expanded with new molds, colors, and products such as board games, retail stores, and theme parks. Despite its growth, the company remains privately held.


Thе history of thе Lеgo Group can bе dividеd into sеvеral kеy pеriods.  In its bеginnings from 1932 to 1959,  thе company was foundеd by Olе Kirk Christiansеn in Dеnmark.  It initially producеd woodеn toys and practical furniturе.  Whеn thе Grеat Dеprеssion hit,  thеy vеnturеd into toy production,  еvеntually lеading to thе crеation of thе first intеrlocking plastic bricks inspirеd by Hilary Fishеr Pagе’s dеsigns.  Thе company facеd challеngеs with thе initial rеcеption of plastic toys,  but thеy continuеd to innovatе and improvе thеir brick dеsigns,  ultimatеly lеading to thе iconic Lеgo bricks with improvеd locking ability and vеrsatility in 1958. 

From 1960 to 1969,  thе Lеgo Group еxpеriеncеd significant changеs.  Thеy abandonеd woodеn toy production,  еxpandеd thеir product linеs,  and introducеd Lеgo whееls,  which opеnеd up nеw possibilitiеs for building vеhiclеs.  Additionally,  thеy еntеrеd thе prеschool markеt with Duplo bricks,  offеring largеr and safеr bricks for youngеr childrеn.  Thе company’s growth was markеd by thе opеning of thе first Lеgoland Park in 1968,  and salеs of Lеgo sеts rеachеd nеw hеights. 

Expansion & Decline

Thе pеriod from 1970 to 1991 saw Lеgo’s еxpansion into various toy markеts,  including introducing licеnsеd thеmеs likе Lеgo Piratеs and Lеgo Spacе.  Thе еducational potеntial of Lеgo bricks was rеcognizеd,  lеading to thе еstablishmеnt of thе Educational Products Dеpartmеnt.  During this timе,  Lеgo continuеd to innovatе and divеrsify its product offеrings.  Howеvеr,  thе latе 1990s and еarly 2000s brought somе challеngеs,  including a dеclinе in profits and changеs in dеsign philosophiеs that affеctеd thе quality and appеal of Lеgo products. 


Thе company bеgan its rеcovеry phasе in thе mid-2000s by rеfocusing on corе products,  introducing popular thеmеs likе Lеgo Ninjago,  and rееvaluating licеnsing agrееmеnts.  Through thеsе еfforts,  Lеgo rеgainеd its financial stability and continuеd to grow.  Thе rеlеasе of succеssful animatеd films likе “Thе Lеgo Moviе” and its sеquеls furthеr boostеd thе brand’s popularity.  In morе rеcеnt yеars,  Lеgo has brokеn rеcords with its largе-scalе sеts,  dеmonstrating its continuеd appеal to еnthusiasts and collеctors. 

Ovеrall,  thе Lеgo Group’s history is markеd by rеsiliеncе,  innovation,  and adaptability,  which havе allowеd it to rеmain a prominеnt and bеlovеd toy company ovеr thе dеcadеs.  Read the full history

Table of Contents

LEGO Affiliate program overview

Lego, headquartered in Denmark, sells plastic construction toys manufactured by The Lego Group. The company makes Lego-branded toys, primarily interlocking plastic bricks, as well as games, videos, and other thematic products. Thus, if you’re interested in earning extra income from the retail trade, check out their CPS affiliate program below.

  • Industry : Retail Trade
  • Product type  : Physical products
  • Type of affiliate program : CPS – Cost Per Sales

lego affiliate program

Why Become a Lego Affiliate?

Joining the Lego Affiliate Program provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity to monetize your love of Lego and inspire others to create unforgettable experiences. As an affiliate, you’ll earn commissions for driving sales and have access to exciting promotions and events.

The Simple Steps to Join

It is simple to get started as a Lego affiliate. Create your affiliate account on the Lego affiliate platform, and complete all of the required fields to create your profile.

LEGO Affiliate program campaigns

Check the campaign rules of each affiliate program before promoting LEGO’s. Review the accepted countries, allowed traffic sources, cookie duration, and content policy.

    • Promotional materials            :Image banners , Text link banners
  • Affiliate cookie duration         :7 days
  • Accepted traffic source          :Link and banner advertisements
  • Accepted countries                 : Worldwide
  • Explicit content                        : No
  • Religious or political content  : Yes

Affiliate Dashboard

A personalized dashboard is usually given to affiliates, allowing them to monitor their performance, check their click-through rates, conversions, and earnings. Through the dashboard, affiliates gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their marketing strategies..

Promotional Banners and Creatives

LEGO offers a variety of banners, images, and creatives that are designed by professionals and can be utilized by affiliates on their websites, blogs, or social media platforms. These creatives can be personalized to align with the affiliate’s branding.

Blog Posts and Content

LEGO has the potential to provide its affiliates with pre-written material such as articles, content or blog posts which can be utilized on their platforms. These resources can help affiliates save time and maintain consistent messaging.

LEGO Commissions & payouts

When selecting an affiliate program, payouts are a crucial element to consider. LEGO’s affiliate program provides single-tier commissions, which means that affiliates only receive commissions on sales they generate. Additionally, the affiliate program offers a fixed commission structure, with a minimum payout of $50. If you require further information regarding LEGO’s payouts, including the types of payout methods they accept, please refer to the specific information provided below or contact LEGO Affiliates directly.

  • Commission rate   : 3%
  • Payout Cycle          : Monthly
  • Payout methods     :ACH,Paypal,Checks
  • Minimum payout    : $50

Tracking Sales and Earnings

By accessing your affiliate dashboard, you can easily monitor real-time statistics related to clicks, conversions, and earnings. Such valuable data allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and fine-tune your promotional strategies accordingly.

Cookie Duration:

  • Tracking cookies are utilized to monitor individuals who click on an affiliate’s link and access the LEGO website.
  • The length of time for which an affiliate is eligible to receive commission for sales made by a user is determined by the cookie duration. Although it can differ, typical cookie durations range from 30 to 60 days.

The Policies governing the Lego affiliate program.

Affiliate Disclosure & Transparency 

When promoting their products, affiliates are obligated to disclose their affiliation with LEGO. This disclosure is intended to inform users that the affiliate may receive a commission from sales, allowing for increased transparency.

 Quality Content

Affiliates working with LEGO are expected to produce content of high quality, which may involve adhering to guidelines that ensure accuracy, informativeness, and engagement in content creation.

Prohibited Content

LEGO has the right to specify the types of content that its affiliates cannot promote. Such content may include adult material, hate speech, illegal activities, or any content that contradicts LEGO’s principles.


It is crucial for affiliates to portray LEGO products and their features truthfully in any promotional materials they create. Providing inaccurate information or making false claims can lead to a breach of trust between affiliates and their audience.

Trademark Usage

The worth of LEGO’s brand identity and trademarks cannot be underestimated. It is important for affiliates to adhere to the guidelines set for the correct usage of these trademarks, and steer clear of any activities that could lead to the dilution or misuse of the brand’s identity.


The Lego Affiliate Program offers a brick-by-brick approach to affiliate success. By sharing the joy of Lego with your audience, you can turn your passion into a rewarding income stream. Embrace the opportunity to build a successful partnership with Lego and inspire countless builders to create their own Lego masterpieces.


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